To all of our friends that have provided feedback and requested new features this year, it has really helped to drive innovation inside Affiliated. We can’t express how much we appreciate it and look forward to an even more successful 2020!
[NOW LIVE!] Burglary Alarm Cancel Function in the Portal. Do you have customers that call you directly in the event of false burglary alarms? Now you can log into the Affiliated Portal to cancel them yourself. Reduce false burglary alarms and improve customer relationships at the same time.
[Integrations] SecurityTrax Updates. We have recently enhanced the SecurityTrax integration in the Affiliated Portal. You can now:
Push account info directly between platforms to guarantee data integrity
Place accounts on test without needing to directly inform Affiliated
Activate radios right from the SecurityTrax platform
[New Product Launch] All-New Brighton Sky LTE. Watch a live demo and Q&A for our newest innovation in mobile PERS devices. See the industry leading features of the Sky and learn how to provide the best possible experience to your customers. Watch the “Brighton Sky: Key Features & How to Sell It” webinar on-demand!
If you have any questions or would like some more detail on any of the information above, please email Account Management or call us at (800) 434-4000 ext. 3810.
Thank you for an outstanding partnership in 2019! Have a safe and happy holiday season,