Stay up to date with Affiliated and see what’s new this month! Integration is Live!Improve customer satisfaction and streamline operations with Affiliated’s enhanced integration. Sync zones, conduct live walk tests and allow your subscribers to edit their emergency contact list all through the MobileTech and subscriber app. Download the info sheet here for all the details!
40 Under 40 Awards: Congratulations to our own Anthony Iannone for being recognized in Security Systems News for his work in our industry! Anthony has been an important leader in Affiliated’s video and mobile PERS monitoring solutions. Read about his accomplishments here!
[Webinar] Don’t Get Left in the Dark. Solutions for the 3G Sunset. Cell carriers are decommissioning 3G towers throughout the country. Avoid the last-minute rush plus learn about new revenue opportunities. Join Affiliated & Alula on our next webinar. Register now for Solutions for the 3G Sunset on Thursday, November 14th at 2pm.
NEW Alarm Cancel Function in the Portal – Coming this Month! Do you have customers that call you directly in the event of false alarms? Now you can login to the Affiliated Portal to cancel them yourself. Reduce false alarms and improve customer relationships at the same time!
ISC East. Are you going to ISC East next week? Simply respond to this email so we can find some time to connect!
If you have any questions or would like some more detail, please email Account Management or call us at (800) 434-4000 ext. 3810.
Thank you,
Affiliated Account Management
P.S. Have you registered for Catalyst ’20 yet? Early bird rates end on December 15th. If you’re in the PERS business, you can’t miss this event!